Your ideal weight? What you think it is may not actually be

What is your ideal weight? It might be that you have decided on a number, because that is what you weighed 10 years ago. Or before you were married. Or after you lost a lot of weight after your first baby (which could have been aaagggeessss ago). Or your friend sits at this weight and you’re the same height.

Or to maintain your ‘ideal weight’ you struggle on a daily basis to maintain it, through dieting or fasting or crappy unsustainable eating regimes, or excessive exercise. All of this makes you miserable, but you’re at your ideal weight, so it’s worth it right?? Or is it…..

Yes, it’s nice to feel in control, but not when it’s at the detriment of your health to stay at an ‘ideal number’ on the scales. Honestly, does the number on the scales really matter?

Instead, focus on nourishing your body and giving it what it actually craves - a good nights sleep, eating when you’re hungry, listening to your body, focusing on what food and exercise you actually enjoy. Which foods give you energy, and what your clothes feel like. How you FEEL, what makes you feel good, if you feel fit, healthy and strong. Are you walking up those hills without puffing now, are you keeping up with your kids on that bike ride, are you enjoying a meal as a family without the guilt of what you ate. All of these things add up to a healthy mind/body relationship, it’s FREEDOM, and the number on the scales doesn’t actually matter any more. If you feel fit, confident and happy, who cares if that number is higher than what was in your mind as your ideal weight. Because guess what, maybe that number isn’t actaully that ideal after all!

Focus on the ideal habits - you know, eating protein , vegetables, a good nights sleep, cooking a healthy meal and eating it with your family, a workout that you actaully enjoy - and the scales weight won’t matter.

Just a few thoughts….

Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli