Strong Woman online members community -  Terms & Conditions.

This group is designed for the general female population and generally aimed at women aged between 20 and 65 years of age.  They are tips and guidelines from Sarah only.  Although some information may be more precise, they are still just guidelines.  

If you have any specific injuries, medical conditions, are pregnant or less than 6 months post partum, have dietary concerns or general health questions please consult your GP or health care professional.  Anyone not accustomed to regular exercise is advised to consult their GP for a check up before starting the fitness workouts.  Sarah is a qualified personal trainer, she is not a nutritionist, dietician or doctor.  Sarah's recommendations are based on her own life experiences, education and knowledge only. Any recipes are shared as a guideline for people only, based on Sarah's personal opinion as to what is healthy eating.

Women new to exercise or returning to regular exercise after an injury, illness or child birth, please start out with the lower impact and beginner workouts until you feel your strength and fitness building up, to prevent injury.  Any women after having chemotheraphy treatment you will be much weaker than you were before treatment, please start slowly and stick to the low impact workouts.  Any women post birth please only perform the lower impact workouts until your body becomes stronger eg this will reduce diastasis recti (abdominal separation) until your core and body is strong enough to move on to the high impact workouts (Sarah recommends atleast 3-6 months post birth, if you feel ready).  If you have any abdominal separation (gap between your six pack) this should come back together naturally in time and with correct exercises, but if you’re unsure, please refer to your midwife or gp before starting any of the workouts. 

Sarah and Strong Woman Fitness will not be held accountable or liable for the use or interpretation of any of the information provided in the closed group.  Everything shared in the closed group is to be kept confidential and photos, videos and information is not to be shared outside of the group.  Sarah reserves the right to remove anybody from the group who is putting up negative or unsupportive comments towards herself or other women in the group.  Any dieting pills/shakes/companies are not permitted to post or sell their products in this group.  

Both the $19.95 monthly fee and the $199 annual fee are non refundable once paid to Sarah and Strong Woman Fitness.  If a plan is cancelled access to the Strong Woman members area, Facebook group, and contact with Sarah will expire at the end of the members current billing period.  The memberships can be cancelled at any time by emailing 

Any questions regarding any of these terms & conditions or about anything on the site, please email