Pyramid of body change

This is really good. I quite often get asked things like ‘How do I know how many calories are in my food’ or ‘Can you write me a nutrition plan that I can stick to’.

Reality is, for MOST of us, unless you have very specific training goals eg entering a body building competition, or you are at high level sports/athlete level, you don’t need a restrictive nutrition plan and you certainly don’t need to be counting calories or macronutrients in your food.


Because it’s SO hard to stick to long term, for most people. It’s just not sustainable and actually not necessary.

Look at the bottom of the pyramid. For most of us, establishing a regular exercise routine, having support around you, focusing on eating LESS processed foods and MORE home cooked, fresh meals including lean meats, vegetables etc is enough.

Focus on the bottom of that pyramid, and you’ll see changes in your body both physically and mentally. Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli