Self love Sunday

Self love Sunday - Sunday is the day of the week that we remember how important ME time is. Remembering that to look after others to the best of our ability, we also have to keep our own cup full.

How will you take some time to fill up your cup? They don’t need to be big things….

  • A hot bath

  • Rubbing some lotion on your dry skin so you smell nice and your skin feels good

  • Drinking more water, hydrating yourself is key to health

  • Maybe planting some veges outside in the sunshine

  • Taking the dog for a walk

  • Reading a book in bed on a Sunday morning

  • Having a cuppa with your feet up for 10 minutes

  • Asking the kids to cook tea one night to give you a break

As women we are always rush rush rush and do everything for everyone else, often putting our own needs at the bottom of the list. Like EXERCISE helps to keep us feeling our best, so does taking a wee bit of time out for yourself when you can.

How do you practice self love?

Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli