Own it!

Write down your goals - download a Goal Setting Planner - looking at them visually makes them more real and you’re more likely to stick to them. Here are ‘Six steps to Smashing your Goals’ Better still, tell people about your goals! Share your goals with a friend or someone you trust, even better get your friend to join you. We’re stronger together. Having a workout buddy is a lot more fun, and the support of close friends and family will make a huge difference in the success of your health & fitness journey.

I can be an accountability partner too, send me your sweaty workout pics, I’d love to see them! Share in the Members Community Facebook group for support, the women in there are all wanting to achieve goals just like yours. Download the Strong Woman Community Timetable - workouts, wellness, nutrition and inspiration every day of the week. Let’s reach our goals together!

Keep a food diary. This can be a huge help when you are first starting out. Be accountable for what is actually going in your mouth. We recommend you keep a food diary for at least one week, longer if you can (yes it is a bit time consuming but in our opinion it can be an incredibly helpful tool). This will help you see what you are actually (not guessing) eating / drinking, and where you need to improve.

Need extra support from Sarah with your nutrition? Click here

Good things take time

Making a commitment to get fitter, eat healthier and make better lifestyle choices is a huge thing!! Some weeks things will go to plan, and some won’t. Don’t beat yourself up over that cake that you ate at a friends birthday party, or the couple of wines you had with your girlfriend last night.

Life balance! As long you are making good choices most of the time. We are all only human and we have to enjoy life too. We don’t want you to feel deprived, this has to be a sustainable life- style change forever. It is not a diet, you need to be looking at this journey as your new way of life. The same goes with exercise – be realistic. Some weeks you may be busy and might not fit in as many workouts as you’d hoped. Again, it’s ok. It doesn’t mean you have failed. Refocus, make a plan and get back on track to achieving your healthier lifestyle goals. Take a peek back to how far you have actually come, small steps lead to big changes.

Challenges - Don’t forget to check out the Strong Woman challenges in the Challenge Zone. Our challenges will help to keep you motivated, plus they’re fun!

Failing to plan, is planning to fail

Below are some tools to help you plan your week, and smash your health & fitness goals.

You got this!