Nailing your meal prep

I hear it a lot from ladies… “I don’t have time to eat healthy”. Life is busy, I get it, and I know grabbing takeaways or making unhealthy choices when you’re on the go, is the easy option. But it’s not the best one. Quick grab foods and takeaways are often highly processed, full of sugar, sodium and preservatives. Their nutrition content is pretty low, meaning your body isn’t getting the important minerals and vitamins it needs, to function at it’s best.

The key to eating healthy when we’re busy? Being prepared. You must PLAN. Look at your diary for the week ahead. If you know you’re going to be getting home late with the kids after a sports game, or you’re in long meetings for work, plan ahead. Use Sunday as your prep day, to plan your meals and healthy snacks for the coming week. Here are some examples:

  • Roast a big tray of vegetables on a Sunday afternoon - that's your veges/salad sorted for the next few days at work. Split them up into containers and add some fresh greens each morning.

  • Cut up vege sticks like carrotts, celery and capsicums, and keep them in an air tight container in the fridge. Dunk them into some hummus, for a nutrient dense snack.

  • Boil 6 eggs, keep them in the fridge ready to grab over the next few days when you’re rushing out the door.

  • Fill up a couple of water bottles on a Sunday night, pop them in the fridge so you have some cold water ready to grab to head off in the car on Monday morning. Keeping hydrated will help to give you energy, and avoid a pesky head ache, while you’re going about your day.

Photo - this was my tray of roast vegetables I popped in the oven this Sunday. I just grabbed whatever we had in the fridge, chopped it up with a bit of olive oil, salt & pepper, and into the oven. Healthy eating doesn’t need to be hard, and with a bit of planning, you too can be nailing your nutrition. Help your body to feel it’s best, you got this! Sarah X

Sarah Martelli